Go beyond the page to create print materials with creative, unique, and visually striking outcomes to help capture attention, engage the senses, and create memorable experiences for your customers.

Consider using print sensory methods and incorporate elements that engage multiple senses, such as touch, sight, smell, and sound, into printed materials. Sensory print methods stimulate the senses and evoke emotional responses, making the printed materials more memorable and impactful.

Here are some innovative ways to leverage print media, incorporating technology, interactivity, and multi-sensory elements.

Textured Printing: Add texture to printed materials by using specialty papers or soft touch, gloss, and dull coatings. These tactile elements enhance the sensory experience and creates a unique feel when touched. Textured printing can be particularly effective for luxury packaging, business cards, or promotional materials.

Die-Cutting and Pop-Ups: Create three-dimensional effects using die-cutting techniques to create pop-ups, cut-out shapes, or interactive elements in printed materials. This adds a playful and interactive dimension to the design, making it visually appealing and engaging.

Interactive QR Codes or AR: Incorporate QR codes or augmented reality (AR) elements into printed materials. This allows users to scan the codes with their smartphones or tablets to access additional interactive content, such as videos, animations, or games. This creates a seamless integration between print and digital media.

Holographic Printing: Utilize holographic foils or special printing techniques to create eye-catching holographic effects on printed materials. This method can be used to highlight specific design elements, logos, or brand visuals, adding a sense of depth and movement to the print.

Scented Printing: Infuse printed materials with custom scents to create a multi-sensory experience. This can be particularly effective for marketing campaigns related to fragrances, food, or beverages. Scent can be applied to promotional materials, packaging, or product inserts to evoke specific scents associated with the brand or product.

These unconventional and sensory methods of commercial print can enhance the impact of printed materials, create unique brand experiences, and leave a lasting impression on customers. When applied thoughtfully and aligned with the brand message, they can effectively engage the senses and capture attention in a crowded marketplace.

If your interested in sensory designs that will take your next print piece beyond the page, our team is here to help. Contact us online or give us a call directly at 800-942-1066.


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