Direct Mail Marketing for Regional Banks

Targeted Print Advertising With Modern Marketing Twist

Direct mail encompasses a wide variety of marketing materials, including brochures, catalogs, postcards, newsletters and sales letters. Many regional banks find that direct-mail advertising is one of the most effective and profitable ways to reach out to new and existing patrons.

What’s the advantage? Unlike other forms of advertising, in which you’re never sure just who’s getting your message, direct mail lets you communicate one-on-one with your target audience. This allows you to control who receives your message, when it’s delivered, what’s in the envelope and how many people you reach.

McClung’s direct mailing services provide an effective way for  each regional banks to reach its target market. It’s measureable, it’s personable, and it is customizable to individuals within your target market.

McClung can help you find your target audience, design and print your mail pieces.  Then our on-site mailing facility will get your publication to your potential patrons.

Let the direct mail experts at McClung guide you through the process the entire way.

Ready to Start a Conversation?

Call us now at 800-942-1066.
Or use the form below to reach out to our direct mail experts, and start the conversation on how McClung can help your next fundraising campaign to exceed your expectations.

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